RD-LB120-3600A automatic paper cup forming machine is our latest machine, which is made base on our manufacturing experience and advanced technology from oversea countries, it is a pioneer equipment in China. The machine comes with rectangle tube and channel steel welding structure, which is stronger and small deformation, automatic lubrication system, which makes all mechanical parts working much more smoothly.
The cup bottom adopts the stretching die which make the bottom sealing quality better and less leaking percentage. It has PLC control, sensor failure detecting system, cup bottom paper feeding controlled by servo motor, bottom paper will be delivered when cup tube comes, otherwise no bottom paper delivery. The machine has safety guard to protect the people working safely, it is the best choice for making paper cups. It has working speed 65pcs/min, with Ultrasonic sealing, automatic lubrication, PLC control and touch screen, safety guard, with cam system instead of chains, 2 gear boxes included(125-8 and 80 model).